D4G 2025: TBD

Welcome to the 2025 game. For details on all of the field elements, design rules, scoring, and more, keep reading.

2024 Game Manual

  • The Game Manual Outlines all the rules for the 2025 season of Drones 4 Good.

  • In the manual, you will find information on the game pieces, construction rules, and more.

  • If you have any question on designs, rules, or anything else, please contact us at the email address: midtownmavs@gmail.com

  • The game manual also lays out details on the two presentations that each team will make, so be sure to read carefully and prepare for those.

  • Best of luck to all teams, and we look forward to seeing your great solutions.

  • We are still working on our 2025 game manual, and we will email all teams when it is finished and available.

Registration for Recreational Flying

  • All drones must be registered for recreational flying

  • Links for registering with FAA, AMA, and TRUST are all located here


(Problem Solving Challenge)

The presentation is part of the project. Using this year’s theme of Wildlife Conservation to identify a problem or challenge, teams will develop a conceptual solution that positively utilizes aerial drone technology. No materials are to be given for review outside of each team’s presentation time, so any information that teams wish to provide the judges for consideration should be provided in the time allotted. Presentation rules can be found in the Game Manual on page 11.